The Border Chronicle, an email newsletter on Substack, is an excellent source of up-to-date news and analysis about the U.S.-Mexico borderlands. It is produced by long-time border journalists Melissa del Bosque and Todd Miller, who are currently working out of Tucson,...
A large majority of the guns recovered after crimes are committed in Mexico are produced by gun manufacturers in the United States. In recent years, demand by the Mexican drug cartels has fueled high levels of north-to-south traffic in armaments, primarily...
Please check out this new addition to the Reimagining the Border section of our website: “Metabolizing the Border,” by Tanya Aguiñiga. Raised in Tijuana, artist and craftswoman Aguiñiga has spent her career exploring the emotional impact of the border on...
The detention center in Carrizo Springs, TX reopened in February of 2021 to hold unaccompanied minors crossing the US-Mexico border and surrendering themselves to immigration authorities. Officially designated a “temporary overflow facility,” it continues to hold...
(photo credit: Orlando Sierra/AFP/Getty Images) In recent months, the U.S. has a new administration, the number of people crossing the southern border has risen and with it the number of stories in the news, but the reasons that people flee their homelands to seek...