Donald Trump has managed to get his border wall argues journalist for the Los Angeles Times Rachel Morris in her article entitled “Trump Got His Border Wall After All.” Morris’ article provides an in-depth look at the U.S. attitudes towards migrants,...
FALL 2016 Women on the Border provided scholarships to two persons so that they could cross the border on a delegation produced by our allies in Austin Tan Cerca de la Frontera in collaboration with the activists workers of Comité Fronterizo de Obreras (CFO). BELOW...
S P R I N G 2017 May Delegation Reflection Essay “Delegation to Piedras Negras and Ciudad Acuña: NAFTA and maquiladora workers” by Lissette Almanza I left Austin on May 26, 2017, with empty hands (manos vacias) to go on my first delegation trip to the...
Cien Años de Soledad Remains outstanding I only now noticed That Cesar is gone, too. I didn’t know him. We only discussed Gabriel Garcîa Marquez And what it meant to be owned by a story ...
This is a donation opportunity intended to for getting Christmas toys and clothing or household items to migrant families at a shelter for women and children in Austin and operated by CASA MARIANELLA. FINANCIAL DONATIONS – Send a check or donate online. TOYS...
September 12, 2019 The new rule allows DHS officials to reject asylum requests from migrants who travelled through, but did not seek asylum in, a third country prior to arriving at the U.S. border. This rule effectively bars migrants from countries other than Mexico...