by Elvia Arriola | Nov 7, 2014 | Advocacy and Activism, Delegations, Further Study, Maquiladoras, NAFTA, Organizations, Women and Globalization
NOVEMBER 2014 Women on the Border Board Member Donna Blevins opens Austin Tan Cerca’s new Indiegogo Quinceañera Solidarity Campaign with a powerful appeal. She talks about Tan Cerca’s annual commitment to send $6,000 to fund an organizer with the Comité...
by Elvia Arriola | Apr 23, 2014 | Advocacy and Activism, Delegations, Maquiladoras, NAFTA, Our History, Who We Are, Women and Globalization
Austin Tan Cerca de la Frontera Welcome to the new and brighter world of solidarity Over the long-term, ATCF creates and nurtures spaces in which people cross boundaries of language, nationality, history, class and culture to meet each other. People who have not had...
by Elvia Arriola | Jan 1, 2014 | Further Study, NAFTA
FARMERS, NAFTA AND GLOBAL AGRICULTURAL CORPORATE POWER A visit to the Mexican border to view the conditions for workers in the maquiladoras often provides surprises about who those people we meet are and where they came from. So many of the workers are doing factory...
by Elvia Arriola | Apr 10, 2013 | Advocacy and Activism, NAFTA
This Poem is a Diaper This poem is the forearms on the table of a friend listening to MutaBaruka, Archibald, Judith and Diane. This poem is a gift bag stuck together by someone at the assembly line table. This poem could care less what gift is stuffed in this...
by Elvia Arriola | Jul 20, 2012 | Maquiladoras, NAFTA, Women and Globalization
STRESS RELIEF TRAINING FOR MAQUILADORA WORKERS If we know anything from the voices of maquiladora workers it is that they’re under a lot of stress. They work on the average 6 days per week, about 10-12 hours. They have quotas. They get yelled at by...
by Elvia Arriola | Jul 19, 2012 | Advocacy and Activism, Further Study, Maquiladoras
Women on the Border is a Texas-based 501c3 non profit organization engaged in educational projects involving contact with women who are fighting against abuses by U.S. based investor corporations under the North American Free Trade Agreement. We are dedicated to...