The detention center in Carrizo Springs, TX reopened in February of 2021 to hold unaccompanied minors crossing the US-Mexico border and surrendering themselves to immigration authorities. Officially designated a “temporary overflow facility,” it continues to hold...
Get to Know We Are Alight With no end in sight of this COVID pandemic, and with no let up on the restrictions for border crossing first imposed by Trump, and still in place under the Biden Administration, one wonders what is happening to migrants who are arriving at...
The Board of Directors for Women on the Border thanks all of those who donated to our migrant rent assistance campaign at the 2021 holiday season. We said any amount helps. We reached the goal of $3,000 and mailed $500 checks to landlords on behalf of six...
The Freedom for Families Act On April 29, 2021, Representative Jamila Jayapal and Senator Jeff Merkley introduced the Freedom for Families Act, legislation proposing an end to the current practice of detaining children and families who have arrived at the U.S. border...
The COVID-19 Pandemic The COVID-19 pandemic exposed vast inequities in society and has generated much talk about the need for a stronger focus on equity in the vaccination roll out, especially for those who were placed at a greater risk due their employment or status....
(photo credit: Orlando Sierra/AFP/Getty Images) In recent months, the U.S. has a new administration, the number of people crossing the southern border has risen and with it the number of stories in the news, but the reasons that people flee their homelands to seek...